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Royal Tungsten:Not being able to withdraw my funds

海投排行2年前 (2023-02-06)投诉379

Attempted withdraw my funds since middle of September 2022 (when they still had their AFS license). Firstly, company asked me to pay the taxable amount of  profits I made (40%)  by depositing to the platform and will take 3-5 business days to process the tax and promised I could withdraw the amount ( I believe is a false statement according to their website because 1. it states 0% commission and 2. usually in our tax returns, I pay the taxable income from profits that we make from trading to government).

It's frustrating and they told me I had to wait till mid October to be able to receive my funds. By mid October, the company gave another excuse that I went against the policy, which I didn't. Thus they said I need to pay extra 30% of profit made to platform,  I have declined. I did an audit of this company again, they ceased their license start of October and violated the Australian Corporation Act. Tried  chase it up to them until end of November ,they deleted their social accounts.

投诉编号: 9308
投诉对象: [Royal Tungsten]
投诉要求: Full refund, refund of principal
涉诉金额: 12000.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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