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海投排行2年前 (2023-02-06)投诉375

once you deposit funds with a crypto miner, 2 days, 8 days, 12 day, you make this large daily return on your funds, you move your funds from a V2 miner which is only a 2 day investment minimum investment $10,000.00 up to a V8 minimum investment $3,800,000.00.  Along the way you receive bonus for deposting more money and when you reach a certain dollar amount you received additional bonuses.  However when you want to withdraw any of the funds you are told you made too much and you now have to pay an additional 30% of your total before you can withdraw any funds.  this is not listed anywhere on their website, you could be on the hook to pay another $100,000+ in order to withdrawn any of your original funds.  also the only way to commicate with them is thru whatsapp, no email, no phone, no address.  

投诉编号: 9304
投诉对象: [DBEX]
投诉要求: cannot withdraw funds
涉诉金额: 313100.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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