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DBEX:dbex-global.com is total scam.

海投排行2年前 (2023-06-26)投诉302

Hello my name is Mehmet,
I am from Turkey. I was scammed by a group of people. A woman aproachem from telegram nick named ''@Ling5498''. She encouraged me to open OKX account and use it to send money to ''https://dbex-global.com/Index/index''. . She guided me through some steps to trade on this website and the amount in my account increased eventually. I figured out now that it was a total scam because I never lost. I think it was not real trade and it was fake actually. This led me to invest more money totally up to 7000 USD. When I wanted to witdraw money from ''https://dbex-global.com/Index/index'' my account is frozen. When I contacted to customer service they said that I have to send 30000 USD to be able to make transactions because of booking due to an activity. The activity requirements never mentioned such a case. I was scammed by a group of people to send money to dbex and I can not withdraw it.

投诉编号: 9653
投诉对象: [DBEX]
投诉要求: Türkiye
涉诉金额: 7000.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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