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Onebid Asset:Clarification of review about the broker

海投排行1年前 (2023-12-04)投诉276

Dear FxGecko Team, Receive a cordial greeting on behalf of our ONEBID Financial Broker. We appreciate the time taken to review our Company. Our Broker ONEBID is incorporated in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. We are holders of a License which allows us to operate in accordance with local and global regulations. We provide support services to clients from all countries in the world, except in the countries of the jurisdictions indicated on our website. For all our clients, we offer the trading platform MetaTrader5. For the orders execution we have several servers, located in Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Mexico, which allow us to execute client orders in the shortest time possible, so that all orders are executed without slippage. We offer the highest standards of brokerage services, so that our clients feel completely secure. We say goodbye with all due respect, hoping that this message can positively influence your review of our Broker. Sincerely, ONEBID Team

投诉编号: 10083
投诉对象: [Onebid Asset]
投诉要求: Clarification of review about the broker
涉诉金额: 0.0元
投诉进度: 投诉处理中





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